LeadingAge California and AllyAlign Health Partner to Offer Co-Branded Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans
Plans specially designed for residents of LeadingAge California member communities and those served through LeadingAge California member home and community-based services settings.
Sacramento CA & Richmond, VA. – LeadingAge California, a California non-profit trade association that advocates for quality, non-profit senior living and care and AllyAlign Health (AAH), a care management company focused on improving care access and quality of life for residents in senior living communities, announce the formation of two co-branded plans underwritten by Align Senior Care, a California licensed Knox-Keane Healthcare Service Plan contracted with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) as a Medicare Advantage organization.
Designed in collaboration with LeadingAge California member organizations, Align Senior Care offers two Medicare Advantage Plans providing a Care Delivery Model and plan benefits tailored for senior community residents with complex, chronic health needs. Align Thrive is an Institutional Equivalent Special Needs Plan (I-SNP) that serves seniors requiring an institutional level of care and Align Connect is a Chronic Conditions Special Needs Plan (C-SNP) that serves seniors diagnosed with dementia.
Mark Price, AllyAlign Health, CEO
“Improving the health and well-being of senior living residents is the primary goal of AllyAlign Health’s Medicare Advantage Plans. The collaboration with LeadingAge California allows us to offer Medicare Advantage plans designed for senior living residents by senior living communities.”
LeadingAge California member organizations participated in a series of design sessions that were used to tailor Align Thrive and Align Connect benefits exclusively for LeadingAge California member community residents and other seniors served through home and community-based services settings. For member organizations, the plans offer a clear, straightforward path to value-based care that includes funding for services (Medicare Advantage Plan) as well as a proven care model designed specifically for senior housing residents and the providers who care for them.
Jeannee Parker Martin, LeadingAge California President and CEO
“LeadingAge California is excited to partner with AllyAlign Health to bring tailored Medicare Advantage Plans to our member communities and their residents. The ‘Plan Plus Care’ model is designed to provide value-based care to residents and can be tailored to meet specific provider needs. We look forward to improved health outcomes for older adults across our membership and beyond with the launch of Align Senior Care.”
David Reimer, Palm Village President & CEO
“We are eager to engage our partnership with AllyAlign Health. Our health care team anticipates improved outcomes and resident satisfaction with their high-tech care model. We are confident the tailored delivery will improve our residents’ access to care, and we expect a decline in hospital admissions. This will improve our residents’ standard of living by allowing them to age in place.”
About AllyAlign Health
Align Senior Clinic and Align Senior Care are managed by AllyAlign Health (AAH). AAH is a leading convener and owner of Medicare Advantage plans designed for senior housing residents. The company began reforming the health system in 2013 by enabling leading long-term care providers to launch provider-sponsored managed care plans for vulnerable senior populations. Today, AAH manages several comprehensive special needs plans to reduce healthcare costs and improve patient quality of life. For more information visit allyalign.com or alignseniorcare.com.
About LeadingAge California
Founded in 1961, LeadingAge California is the state’s leading advocate for quality, non-profit senior living and care. The association’s advocacy, educational programs and public relations help its members best serve the needs of the state’s older adults. Representing nearly 700 members focused on senior living and care – including affordable housing, life plan communities, assisted living, skilled nursing, home and community-based care and business partners and residents, LeadingAge California spans the full continuum of care. Visit leadingageca.org for more information.
For further information, please contact:
Amy Kaszak, President of Special Needs Plans, Amy.Kaszak@allyalign.com
Eric Dowdy, Chief Government Affairs Officer, edowdy@leadingageca.org
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